England, Scotland, Wales | Transit time | |
Part-/ Full-Loads | from/to England, Wales, Scotland | 1-2 Days |
Groupage | Krefeld to England, Wales, Scotland | 2-4 Days |
Groupage | England, Wales, Scotland to Krefeld | 2-4 Days |
Ireland, Northern Ireland | Transit time | |
Part-/ Full-Loads | from/to Ireland, Northern Ireland | 2-3 Days |
Groupage | Krefeld to Ireland, Northern Ireland | 3-4 Days |
Groupage | Ireland, Northern Ireland to Krefeld | 3-4 Days |
More Services:
Line Hauls
Local Traffic
Mr. Wolfgang Stromps
Tel. +49 2151 5555-11
Mr. Christoph Rochow
Tel. +49 2151 5555-44
Please ask for a quote
We offer daily departures, short transit times and complete shipment control with our trailer equipment.
We would be glad to help you with all your logistical challenges.